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The Spectrum of Project Management Consultancy Services

#2f2c2c;">Outsourcing is the practice of hiring a party outside a company to create products and perform services that traditionally were performed in-house by the company’s own employees and staff. The decision to give certain functions to an outside service provider should be taken after careful consideration. Once tasks have been outsourced, reintegrating them back into a company can be anything but easy. Organizations should always first check that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for your company before opting for outsourcing.
Outsourcing has been prevalent do different degrees in different geographies and businesses. As economies grow, greater efficiencies are obtained by outsourcing tasks to specialists. However, for the outsourcing to deliver the expected benefits to all stakeholders and the society, the business ecosystem must be mature. In the infrastructure and real estate sectors in India, a wide spectrum of PMC services exists. At one extreme are organizations that do everything in-house and at the other extreme some organizations only manage a plethora of service providers and integrate all these services while delivering their product.
Project management consultants are external, outsourced agencies responsible for delivering projects on time within the resources and budget allocated. A project management consultant brings in specialized knowledge and skills that empower businesses to make informed decisions throughout the lifecycle of a project, from the planning stage to completion.
Organizations that outsource Project Management also adopt different models. We at 
GEM Engserv#2f2c2c;"> have been associated with many of these business models for outsourcing the PMC services#2f2c2c;">. The variations primarily relate to the functions that are outsourced, the nature of project teams, and the responsibilities devolved on the external service providers. Based on our experience, the following models exist. The entire spectrum of the PMC services is discussed along with the pros and cons of each model and what it takes to succeed with a given model. These models present increasing accountability of and authority with internal resources/teams.

  • #000000;">Full-fledged PMC
  • #000000;">CMC, masquerading as PMC
  • #000000;">Hybrid CMC
  • #000000;">Fragmented outsourcing
  • #000000;">Temping

#2f3132;">Full-fledged PMC

#2f2c2c;">On one end of the spectrum is the model where the entire management of the project from the pre-construction phase till completion/handover is outsourced to a specialist agency.

#2f2c2c;">The PMC is the first service provider on board, immediately after the ‘GO’ decision is taken by the owner. Appointment of all other service providers, contractors and taking care of all activities from planning & design to commissioning is the responsibility of the PMC. This model is not much prevalent in India as owners need a big ‘leap of faith’ in outsourcing he entire project management function to an external agency. It requires a very mature management team with owners and highly responsive, expert, and proficient PMC to succeed.

#292929;letter-spacing:-.05pt;">To know more about us follow the link given below:

Shashikant Zarekar 20.03.2023 0 91
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