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Cost of quality and challenges in construction

Many concepts related to Quality Management have originated in the manufacturing industry and their implementation is being attempted in the construction industry. Manufacturing industry is characterized by steady‐state processes whereas the construction industry operates quite differently. Some examples of these differences are given below:

  • Diversity in the types, forms, and shapes of construction projects
  • Geographical dispersion
  • Contractual relationships
  • Multiplicity and diversity of various components
  • Challenges in controlling environmental conditions
  • Difficulty (sometimes impossibility) of rejecting a defective element
  • Much higher ‘durability’ requirement

Therefore, methods or principles used to evaluate quality-related parameters like assessment, cost, etc. in the manufacturing industry need to be modified suitably, so that they may be applied effectively in the construction industry. The objective in a construction project is to meet the client requirements at the lowest possible cost. Any attempt to improve the quality, therefore, must consider the associated costs. It is here that the concept of ‘Cost of Quality’ (COQ) becomes relevant. Juran believed that it was important to link Quality issues with cost. Linking Quality efforts to conformance, defects and costs (and profits) is the only way to drive sustainable change in the management’s approach towards Quality. 

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Shashikant Zarekar 16.03.2023 0 87
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