Starts: 02.04.2020 00:00
Ends: 02.08.2020 00:00

Last date for submission of paper: unknown; Contact person: Dr. Prashanth Reddy Hanmaiahgari, Dr. Mahendra Vanteru; Introduction / OverviewTurbulent flow and sediment transport in rivers areinterdependent and utmost important to design andpredict the fluvial processes, e.g. reservoirsedimentation, aggradations and degradations ofriverbed, scour / erosion, etc. The purpose of thepresent short term course is to describe both thephysical and mathematical modelling in riverhydrodynamics, sediment transport, and flowcharacteristics related to fluvial processes. Thecourse includes bluff body hydrodynamics andresulting vortex dynamics. This course presents agood overview of the fundamentals and as well aslatest developments in modeling of fluvialhydrodynamics.Program ObjectivesThe course would help the academicians as well aspracticing managers and professionals to learnfundamentals of turbulent fluid flow, sedimenttransport and thermos fluids. Exposing theparticipants to the practical aspects of hydraulicmodeling. Building motivation amongst theparticipants in analyzing hydraulic engineeringproblems using numerical modelling techniques.Providing exposure to practical problems of hydraulicengineering. Enhancing capability of the participantsto develop innovative approaches in hydraulicengineering. At the end of the course, participantswill be quite knowledgeable on the vortex dynamicsand bluff body flows. Course CoordinatorDr. Prashanth Reddy HanmaiahgariDr. Prashanth Reddy Hanmaiahgari is an Associate Professor in thedepartment of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of TechnologyKharagpur. His research interests include experimental and numericalmodeling of free surface flow in open channels and pressurized flow inclosed conduits. He has published journal papers on turbulence,unsteady flows and sediment transport.Course Co-coordinatorDr. Mahendra VanteruDr. Mahendra Vanteru is an Assistant Professor in Department ofMechanical Engineering at IIT Kharagpur. His research areas areComputational Fluid dynamics, Swirling flows, reacting flows andExperimental Combustion.Other faculty for the courseProfessor Subhasish DeyProf. Subhasish Dey is a Professor in the Department of CivilEngineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. He is anAssociate Editor of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE),Journal of Hydraulic Research (IAHR), Sedimentology, ActaGeophysica, International Journal of Sediment Research and Journalof Hydro-Environment Research. His research interests includeanalytical hydrodynamics, turbulence, sediment transport and scour.He is the author of a book titled
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