Starts: 10.12.2024 08:00
Ends: 12.12.2024 18:00
Sydney, Australia
NameYuer Peng
Email[email protected]

2024 The 4th International Conference on Smart City and Green Energy (ICSCGE 2024)

December 10-13, 2024 | Sydney


■About the Conference

The 4th International Conference on Smart City and Green Energy (ICSCGE 2024), will be held in Sydney, Australia, which is to bring together experts and scholars from around the world to discuss the latest advancements and innovative achievements in the field of smart city frameworks and their role in sustainable development and green energy. ICSCGE is a premier conference dedicated to exploring innovative technologies and sustainable solutions for smart cities and green energy. This conference serves as a platform for researchers, academics, industry professionals, and policymakers to exchange ideas, present their latest research findings, and discuss the challenges and opportunities in building smarter, more sustainable cities. ICSCGE 2024 will feature keynote speeches, paper presentations, panel discussions, and workshops focusing on cutting-edge technologies, best practices, and policies aimed at creating greener and more efficient urban environments. Join us at ICSCGE 2024 to be a part of this important conversation shaping the future of smart cities and green energy.


■Conference Committee

【Conference Chairs】

Prof. Jing Qiu, The University of Sydney, Australia

Prof. Fushuan Wen, Zhejiang University, China


【Conference Co-Chairs】

Prof. Donglian Qi, Zhejiang University, China

Prof. Ahmed Abu-Siada, Curtin University, Australia

Prof. S.N. Singh, India Institute of Technology (Kunpur), India


【Organization Committee】


Prof. Zhenzhi Lin, Zhejiang University, China

Prof. Junhua Zhao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), China

Prof. Guo Chen, The University of New South Wales, Australia

Prof. Farhad Shahnia, Murdoch University, Australia


Prof. Gianluca Ranzi, The University of Sydney, Australia

Dr. Xiangyu Li, The University of Sydney, Australia

Dr. Yunqi Wang, Monash University, Australia

Dr. Yunfeng Yan, Zhejiang University, China



■Conference Topics

Topics and technical areas of interest include but are not limited to the following:

1. Smart City Planning And Design


2. Smart Transportation And Logistics Management


3. Green Building And Smart District


4. Environmental Monitoring And Data Analysis


5. Smart Grid And Smart Energy Systems


6. Renewable Energy Generation And Storage Technologies


7. Electricity And Carbon Emission Markets, Innovative Business Mechanism, Policy/Regulatory Aspects



■Paper Submission

【Full Paper Submission】

Please prepare the full paper according to below requests.

 ▪The document should be in English and should not exceed five single-column double-spaced pages (excluding references).

▪All authors should prepare full versions of papers in pdf for doc format.

▪Papers must be with at least 4 pages, including text, references, tables and figures. Please follow the paper template below:

▪Submissions to ICSCGE 2024 must not be already published or under review at another archival conference or journal. Papers on arXiv do not violate this rule as long as the submitted paper does not cite them. Submitting a paper to the conference means that if the paper was accepted, at least one author will complete the regular registration and attend the conference to present the paper. For no-show authors, their papers will not be included in the proceedings.


【Abstract Submission】

If you prefer not to publish a paper, but instead of preparing an abstract for an oral presentation or poster to be presented during the conference, please submit your abstract for an oral/poster presentation. A written paper is not required for this abstract, however, your oral or poster presentation must be presented by the author. Please note that the abstract will NOT be published.




Submissions will be reviewed by the conference technical committees, and accepted papers will be published in ICSCGE 2024 International Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, and submitted for indexing by EI compendex and Scopus.


■Sponsored by: the University of Sydney

Co-Sponsored by:Zhejiang University


■Contact Us

Conference Secretary: Yuer Peng

Contact No.: (86) 191 8224 0053

Official Email: [email protected]



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