. In 2010 I received a secondary education in the city of Yangibazar, Tashkent region and entered the Tashkent Architectural and Construction Institute, specializing in Construction of buildings and structures. During my studies at the institute, I conducted an active social life. In 2014 I graduated from the institute. In the same year I enrolled in the magistracy in the Far Eastern Federal University, on the direction of Technology of artistic processing of materials, which graduated with a red diploma.. There I investigated the effect of the composition on the foundry and artistic properties of aluminum alloys obtained as a result of recycling aluminum scrap.
In 2016, I began training aspirators in the Pacific State University in the direction of foundry. My scientific interests are alloys which added to the metal in order to improve the properties of metals, as well as the processing of mineral concentrates, the development of energy-saving production technologies. Now I am getting a proper training the effect of percentages of additives on properties of aluminum, cast iron bronze and the production of aluminum-matrix alloys. In future I would like to become PhD in this domain.