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How broken is your Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) cycle?

#292929;letter-spacing:-.05pt;">In 1939 Shewhart changed the then existing linear thinking to a cycle to show how refinement and change leads to an iterative approach to product development. Edward Deming, the Quality Guru further developed this concept and presented what was known as Deming’s wheel. Later it became popular as the P-D-C-A cycle which is at the core of all Quality Management systems and ISO:9001. It is now popularly known as the Deming cycle and is extremely important for continual improvement of any management system.
In the course of providing various services related to Quality Management in the construction; mostly quality audit services, I have come across organizations that are at different stages of implementing the philosophy enshrined in the P-D-C-A cycle. In my opinion, very few organizations can claim to have fully implemented the P-D-C-A cycle. In other words, the P-D-C-A cycle is broken to different degrees in different organizations. Here, I have tried to identify different degrees of breakage in the P-D-C-A cycle that I have come across.

#292929;">1. Just Do It (no offense meant to Nike!):

#292929;letter-spacing:-.05pt;">At the lowest rung of maturity of management systems are the organizations that have just the ‘do’ in their system. They neither plan nor check the outcome of their efforts. Most likely, the management has no idea about the P-D-C-A cycle. Obviously, quality audits can not take place in or for such organizations because audits represent the check part, which simply does not exist. To draw a parallel with the theory of adult learning, such organizations are at the stage of unconscious incompetence (I don’t know what I don’t know)


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Shashikant Zarekar 29.03.2023 0 114
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